Summer has a lot of exciting things in store, from easy-breezy backyard BBQs to leisurely picnics and lunches in nearby parks. It, however, brings with it an unwelcome drawback in the form of an increase in the number of bugs and other incessant vermin. That’s why it should go without saying that insects such as flies and mosquitoes infesting your home are dreadful experiences. It is, therefore, essential to begin implementing these household pest control tips as soon as possible. 

Pest Control Tips for a Bug Free Household

You are in luck because there are a number of simple precautions that you can start taking right away to stop these problems from getting out of hand. Say farewell to itchy bug bites and welcome a summer free of pesky insects and pests. The following are some things that you can do right now for pest control Clarke County, GA:

household pest control tips for a cleaner home

1-Get Rid of Any Standing Water

Bugs and insects are drawn to damp and wet environments. Pests are dependent on water for their own survival, just like people are. Insects and bugs often wander inside houses and backyards in the search of water and any ounce of moisture during the summer months because the weather is typically drier. If you are not careful, a whole insect ecosystem will set up shop in your backyard even before you get the chance to see it.

Eliminating excess moisture from the air in your house is one simple step you can take to forestall the occurrence of this problem

This may require clearing gutters and drainage areas, addressing and repairing leaks, as well as ensuring that there is as little standing water as possible in buckets, pots, birdbaths, and other spots around your property. If you live in a region that is prone to high levels of humidity, you might want to give some thought to acquiring a dehumidifier so that you can keep the moisture levels in your home under control.

2-Tidy Your Home Regularly

An effective and straightforward way to ward off pests is maintaining a clean and clutter-free home on a daily basis and removing any trash that may have accumulated there. If there aren’t any food sources in your home for pests to feed on, there is no reason for them to continue to congregate on your property.

Ensure that you maintain a close eye on fruit bowls, as well as surfaces around the kitchen throughout the warm summer months. It is a well-known fact that pests prefer to feed on any rotting produce. 

Since food spoils more quickly when the weather is warmer, it is important to keep an eye on your food storage. Throw away any fruit or vegetable that is overripe and sit on the counter as soon as you notice it.

3-Utilize Natural Remedies

There are some plants that have a natural ability to ward off insects and give natural remedies for dealing with pest issues in and around the home. There are many wonderful plant species that would be wonderful additions to a house or garden, including lavender and basil. You will not only be able to take pleasure in the flavor of these fresh herbs, but you will also be able to ward off pests. This is, in our opinion, a win-win situation.

4-Take firewood as far away from your home

Termites are attracted to firewood. As a matter of fact, timber is their primary food source. Despite their size, termites could cause a significant amount of damage. Once termites have gained access to your property, they can inflict extensive structural damage that might run into tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to fix. 

The most effective strategy to prevent the occurrence of such a scenario is to limit their access to the residence. You can accomplish this by keeping firewood outside and as far away from the house. Keep firewood dry then store it above ground level or at least 30 centimeters from the ground, so termites are unable to crawl onto the pile during the warmer months of the year. If you do find pests in the firewood, never apply any kind of pesticide or chemical to them. If you decide to burn the firewood at some point, poisonous gasses will be released into the air inside your home. Always call professionals on pest control to evaluate and handle the situation.

Pest Control in Clarke County, GA with Lavender Pest Control

These summer pest control tips will help eliminate any pest activity within your property during summer. Are you currently dealing with a pest infestation? If so, contact our seasoned pest control professionals with Lavender Pest Control today. Our specialists in wildlife and pest control have decades of experience in helping homeowners clear their homes from pesky pests. Book an appointment today!